Thira Labs

“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.”

— Alexander the Great


Core Values and Principles of Thira

Throughout my career in finance, I have had the privilege of working alongside some of the most successful investors, learning from influential mentors, and gaining insights from top educators and colleagues.

These experiences have shaped the core values and principles I bring to Thira, which can be summarized as follows:

  • Innovation, Research & Entrepreneurship – Prioritizing quality over quantity in all aspects of our work.
  • Problem-Solving & Creativity – Encouraging intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of unconventional solutions.
  • Real-World Experience – Drawing on diverse international careers to navigate complex challenges.
  • Science & Technology as Key Drivers – Embracing a relentless pursuit of perfection through cutting-edge advancements.
  • A Lean, Flat Organization – Operating without bureaucracy to foster agility and efficiency.
  • Open Communication & Constructive Criticism – Encouraging all partners and stakeholders to express their views freely.
  • Global Reach – Leveraging an international network of talent, resources, and expertise.
  • Building Trust & Long-Lasting Relationships – Establishing strong partnerships based on mutual respect and integrity.

At Thira, these principles guide our decisions, inspire innovation, and drive long-term success.

Fotios Harmantzis, PhD
CEO & Founder


Fotios Harmantzis, Ph.D. Founder & CEO
Ekaterini Harmantzis Co-Founder & President
George Tzagkarakis, Ph.D. Head of Research


Alpha Predictors
Alpha Predictors

Research and development of advanced statistical models to create reliable predictive signals ("alphas") for publicly traded instruments across global, multi-asset markets.

Robust Portfolio Construction
Robust Portfolio Construction

Development of dynamic allocation methods to optimize asset classes, strategies, and alpha signals across varying market conditions.

Risk Management
Risk Management

Research and development of innovative methods to measure, analyze, and mitigate risk, with a strong focus on identifying and managing "black swan" events.


G. Tzagkarakis selected publications

1. G. Tzagkarakis, F. Maurer, and J. P. Nolan, "Taming impulsive high-frequency data using optimal sampling periods," Annals of Operations Research, 2023 (DOI:

2. G. Tzagkarakis and F. Maurer, "Horizon-adaptive extreme risk quantification for cryptocurrency assets," Computational Economics, Vol. 62, pp. 1251-1286, 2023 (DOI:

3. G. Tzagkarakis, J. Caicedo-Llano, and T. Dionysopoulos, "Sparse modeling of volatile financial time series via low-dimensional patterns over learned dictionaries," Algorithmic Finance, Vol. 4, pp. 139-158, 2015 (DOI:

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C. Tzagkarakis selected publications

1. A. Shevtsov, C. Tzagkarakis, D. Antonakaki, and S. Ioannidis, "Identification of Twitter bots based on an explainable machine learning framework: The US 2020 elections case study," in Proc. International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 2022 (DOI:

2. C. Tzagkarakis, et al., "Evaluating short-term forecasting of multiple time series in IoT environments," in Proc. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2022 (DOI: 10.23919/EUSIPCO55093.2022.9909906)

3. C. Tzagkarakis, S. Becker, and A. Mouchtaris, "Joint low-rank representation and matrix completion under a singular value thresholding framework," in Proc. 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014

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F. Harmantzis selected publications

1. F. Harmantzis and L. Miao, "Dynamic asymmetric dependencies between equities and exchange rate markets," available at SSRN, 2009 (DOI:

2. F. Harmantzis, L. Miao, and Y.F. Chien, "Empirical study of value-at-risk and expected shortfall models with heavy tails," available at SSRN, 2005 (DOI:

3. P. B. Dubovski, I. Goldman, and F. Harmantzis, "A Markov model for stocks with small and medium market capitalization," available at SSRN, 2005 (DOI:

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Get in touch with us

Thira Labs

Thira IKE is incorporated in Greece with presence in both the United States (Manhattan, New York and Greenwich, Connecticut) and Greece (Athens, Crete, Evrytania and Thrace).

E: info[at]
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